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Writer's pictureBrooke

Taco soup: Free From Autoimmune Triggers

Updated: Apr 21, 2021


Since going gluten free, I haven't eaten many soups. It has been one of the things I miss the most especially with the weather turning cold! I have tried gluten free soups at different places, but I have to be very careful about the oils I eat as well. I usually ended up sick :( Canola oil and low grade oils such as olive oil or soybean oil flare up my autoimmune conditions especially my Crohn's. If you have any GI issues, I highly suggest staying away from these oils. They will tear up your stomach! And they're not good for your joint and muscle pain for other chronic disorders either. So it was clear that if I was going to have soup, I was going to have to make it myself. I have been intimidated about making soup for some reason, but this was delicious on the first try and pretty simple! You can even tweak the recipe and make it into a nice chicken tortilla! I'll show you how in the recipe. This is by far the best soup i've ever had and I think one of the key factors is the high grade oil I used (coconut oil) and the heavy coconut cream I found at Thrive Market. This stuff is magical! I hope you enjoy! If you have any questions or comments please leave them down below! I'd love to know how the soup turns out for you!

May you be well :)


"If you have a dream, don't let anybody take it away." - Selena


Time to Cook: About 1 Hour

Prep Time: 15 minutes to chop veggies

Serving Size: 4 People (4 Bowls if making a meal out of it) or 6 Cups



- 5 Tablespoons coconut oil (or high grade oil of your choice)

- 2 Teaspoons Garlic (Original recipe called for an onion. I avoid onions so I substituted garlic. Make sure the garlic is fresh or only in water and does not have preservatives. I like to use spice world organic if I can't use fresh organic. Click here).

- 1 cup chopped organic carrots (or celery if you prefer)

- 2 tablespoons almond flour ( I like to use Bob's Red Mill. Click here).

- 1/4 tablespoon coconut flour (the original recipe that was not gluten free called for four tablespoons flour. I usually split the flour between coconut and almond flour. Almond flour is a 1:1 ratio substitution, but coconut flour is drier so it's a 1/4 substitution. If you need to use all coconut flour due to nut intolerance, then try 1 tablespoon coconut flour. I like to use Bob's Red Mill. Click here).

- 5 cups of Swanson Beef Broth or Organic Beef Broth from a local market (make sure the broth is MSG free and preservative free, that's why I recommended Swanson).

- 1/2 teaspoon organic oregano (this is one I use)

- 1/2 teaspoon organic rosemary (Great for the cold weather. Will help with colds too). (this is one I use)

- 1/4 tsp organic sage (this is one I use)

- 1/4 tsp organic marjoram (this is one I use)

- Salt to taste

- Organic Cardamom (Use as a black pepper substitute. Pepper is a nightshade.)

***NOTE: If you do not have the above spices individually then you can use 1.5 tsp of Italian seasoning. It has thyme in it as well. (find it here)

- 1 Pound Ground Beef or Turkey (Use whichever you can tolerate. I have not been able to find a ground beef that is preservative free yet. I like to buy organic, grass fed, gluten free, and preservative free. If you have a suggestion for ground beef that you can tolerate, then I'd love for you to share! Find a ground turkey that is organic, preservative free, vegetarian fed, and gluten free. The only one that I have found I can tolerate is Simple Truth by Kroger. ***NOTE: when the package says the preservative is "rosemary extract" this can mean it has MSG or preservatives that cannot be tolerated. It depends on the brand. For example, I love the Simple Mills brand and the rosemary extract they use is really just rosemary extract. I do great with their food and there's no MSG. Unfortunately, I think this is not the case with a lot of meat and I have to avoid the brands that use "rosemary extract").

- 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms chopped (I used organic baby bella)

- Dairy Free Sour Cream (I LOVE Green Valley. Get it here. I love all their products and they're pretty much the only diary free products I will use. I get mine at Whole Foods. If opting for another diary free option be sure to read the label!!! Always be sure to check the ingredients. There are a lot of fillers in Diary free alternatives.)

- Shredded Cheddar Cheese to top top the soup. ***NOTE: cheddar, parmesan, and provolone cheeses are aged so the lactose is lost during the aging process. There is none to almost none when the process is completed. Check out my post about it here. I am able to eat these cheeses on my lactose free diet. However, you can always sub for a dairy free alternative cheese. Just be sure to read the ingredients. There are a lot of fillers in cheese alternatives.

- 1 cup per soup bowl of crushed Siete chips. (THESE ARE THE BOMB!!! Get it here. I've had people try these that don't follow my diet and they love them. They were shocked how healthy they were and how they were made of coconut. I love the story behind the Siete brand! Make sure to read about the family on the back of the bag. Most stores carry these now! )



I never thought I'd have taco soup again! Excited :)

I start by adding a Tbsp of coconut oil to a pan. I add the ground turkey meat. Season with salt and cardamom as a black pepper sub (optional). Cook until meat is done. Cut off and leave until ready to add to the soup.

Dice the carrots and mushrooms into bit size pieces.

Then, I melt the 4 Tbsp of coconut oil in a large pot on the stove over medium heat. I add in the carrots (or celery if you choose) and garlic and let them cook until soft. This takes about 5 minutes.

Then, I add the coconut and almond flour and mix them with the veggies. I mix over medium heat for a few minutes until thick.

I add the beef broth, bring it to a boil so it can thicken, and then reduced to low heat. I add the herbs (rosemary, oregano, sage, and marjoram) and salt to taste. I let this simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Then, I add the ground turkey and mushrooms. I bring this to a boil and then reduced to a simmer for 5-10 minutes. Honestly, the more time you allow the soup to simmer the better the soup will be if you are serving on the same day. I usually make the soup early and allow to simmer for an hour or two until dinner. I heat it back up when ready for dinner and serve.

Add 1 cup of tortillas to each bowl. I like to crunch them up. I pour the soup over the tortiallas and add shredded cheddar and dairy free sour cream on top when serving.

This soup saves really well for left overs! You can save cheese and sour cream to add on top when serving as well. The soup is always great to freeze and have when you are sick! Hope you enjoy :)

Printable Recipe


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